Acoustic treatment for your home recording studio is extremely overlooked by most music artists and Music producers.

The focus is usually on buying the best microphone for recording vocals, the best microphone preamp, the best studio speakers, and whatever other accessories that help you to record higher quality music.

While there’s nothing wrong with focusing on purchasing the best quality equipment you can afford – you may still have a problem. A lot of artists and music producers will notice that after buying good equipment, their recordings still don’t too good.

Some common  problems include:

  • A “wet” reverb sound mixed in with the vocals
  • Vocal delays or echoes introduced in the recording
  • A mix that sounds good in your music studio but doesn’t sound as good in other locations like your car or headphones
  • If you’re experiencing any of those issues that I listed above, you’re probably suffering from an acoustic problem in your room.

What Is Acoustics?

Acoustics are basically the physics of sound, which is both confusing and not at all essential to fully comprehend.

Great room acoustics are generally low-priority tasks when building a home, so most rooms don’t have a layout that is great for both listening to and recording music. In a room where the energy is not absorbed (like most of the rooms in a house), it bounces around until it eventually dies out.

So basically, the sound and music that comes out of your speakers will bounce around in your room until they die out – which can clash and cause problems with recording music (and mixing it – if you’re going to be the engineer as well). That’s where acoustic treatment comes in – it helps you create a controlled acoustic environment where you are absorbing a lot of frequencies to prevent them from bouncing around, thus making the music sound more accurate.

What Is Acoustic Treatment?

Acoustic treatment is the combination of the right materials and the right placement or layout to control frequencies and create the best sounding environment for recording and listening.

How Does Acoustic Treatment Work?

Acoustic treatment works by absorbing frequencies and making sure they don’t bounce around your studio to make sure that you’re hearing the music in its most accurate form.

What To Look For In Acoustic Treatment?

Acoustic treatment is based on the type of room you have. You may already be aware of the acoustics just from speaking or clapping your hands and noticing a sharp, ringing sound.

If you’re just trying to record vocals (and not make beats or mix your own songs in studio monitors) – cheap foam can get rid of bare walls and the absorb some of the high frequencies that may be causing a “damp” or ringing sound. It will not absorb low frequencies – which won’t be that much of a problem if you’re recording vocals close to the microphone.

However, if you’re looking to make beats or mix your own songs with studio monitors – you’re going to need something that’s more efficient for absorbing both high and low(er) frequencies. In this situation – you would look to add “broadband absorbers” panels and “bass traps”.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.


Disadvantages Of Not Treating Your Space With TAJ Acoustics


Different space and shapes go along with different acoustic treatment depending on how the sound wave movement occurs in the space. So therefore each space requires a certified sound personnel to observe how sound travels in the space with the sound meter and noise dosimeter, and not to be done in an unprofessional way so as to achieve the desired result as some people just believe placing acoustic panels on walls will give the desired results. And apart from the fact that there are agencies by the government (LASEPA for example,which is the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency) that has been put in place to close down any center that is noise level is not conducive for listeners,here are some personal health hazards and disadvantages of not acoustically treating your space with TAJ acoustics.

  1. If a space is not acoustically treated the general noise in the space resulting from colliding sound waves and the ones hitting the ear drum constantly can lead to headaches, and if not careful also lead to severe migraines.
  2. if the sound in a space is not well delivered with a poor space treatment, it can lead to ear fatigue (tiredness,weakness) of the listeners. have you ever wondered why you feel unnecessarily tired after a party or a churches service in a space not acoustically treated,like a banging humming observed in the ears resulting from sound speakers systems, that you need to rest when you get home from the resulting headaches that as been caused by the noisy environment, then it  means your sound space needs TAJ acoustic panels Treatment.
  3. Studies have shown that acoustics and sound have a direct impact on learning and understanding. In other words, if the congregation has trouble hearing clearly – worshipers feel less engaged and as a direct result of this participation and eventually, attendance may suffer.“How Can The Congregation Heed the Word, If They Can’t Hear It?”
  4. Students in today’s classrooms are unable to understand 25 to 30 percent of what their teacher said because of excessive noise and reverberation. (poor classroom treatment)
  5. communication problems.
  6. Meditation problems.
  7. Disturbing to the neighborhood.
  8. Your Food May Be Great   . . .  But How Does Your Restaurant SOUND? Although your customers may not use the term or be aware of the science behind the problem – A quick search for “Great Food, but just too loud” will return multiple pages of reviews of users. Unsurprisingly, even many of the top eatery customer rating sites and apps use “Noise Level” as a metric in a user overall starred rating. According to a 2014 Zagat survey of Boston restaurant goers found: “…restaurant noise level to be the number-one irritant about dining out, more irksome than service and price, according to online survey results.”
  9. Reverberation constantly experienced in large halls, which causes the sound to be noisy and communication very poor.
  10. Ear Damage. not acoustically treating your room causes hear damage after a repeated exposure to it. Taking a survey of Ear clinics, more than 90% of ear problems results from noise that has been too much to the ear drums.

To efficiently treat your space and avoid all this issues, caused from not acosutically treating your space, kindly contact us by clicking here

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.




Have you ever wondered why you get so tired and stressed up after a church service? or an event in a venue? or after long listening to sounds in your home? or neighborhood, especially if you have a disturbing neighbor? or are you frequently disturbed by your neighbors that your sound system is disturbing the environment and the peace of the community?
TAJ ACOUSTICS introduce to you the consciousness that you need to acoustically treat your space, so as to get a descent and quiet environment that will be appealing to everyone and without any health damage (especially hearing, headaches, acute migraine, high blood pressure, heart attacks and hypertension due to unwanted sound waves which causes noise).

Acoustic treatment is the combination of the right materials and the right placement or layout to control sound frequencies and create the best sounding environment for effective communications, in church auditoriums,venues (event centers), libraries, office space,conference rooms, class rooms, music studios,meditating rooms, living rooms, eateries and restaurants etc. and recording in any given space.

Acoustically treating your space will bring this quietness needed for everyone to actively meditate and focus well on anything doing, bringing the abilities of man to have deep, constant and creative reasoning when in a space. most people create specially a room for their active meditations and acoustically treat it so as to enhance it functionality, which is a good advise every one needs, to meet up with daily demands of the situations and circumstances on the active brain.

Sound can travel through any medium– in fact it passes through solids better than through air. Sound intensity is reduced in the transition from one material to another, as from the air to a wall and back. The amount of reduction (called the transmission loss) is related to the density of the wall– as long as it doesn’t move in response to the sound. Unfortunately, all walls are somewhat flexible. Any motion caused by sound striking one side of the wall will result in sound radiated by the other side, an effect called coupling. If the sound hits a resonant frequency, the wall will boom like a drum. Most isolation techniques are really ways to reduce coupling and prevent resonances and noise.

Most people skip on acoustic treatment when setting up their space.

Why? it is mostly because they don’t understand it, or unaware of the advantages and damages that can happen if one does not acoustically treat a space, damages like ear fatigue (ear tiredness which causes inability to ear well after long exposure to untreated space) stress, high blood pressure (high BP) head aches, troubled mind, migraines.whatever the reason, people are reluctant to throw some acoustic panels on their walls, even though it will make an epic improvement to their sound and effective communication in a space!

The truth is, you are fighting a battle for sonic clarity. And you may not realize it, because your opponent is invisible.

Just take your time to read all through our explanations on all about TAJ ACOUSTICS so as to make you and your business clients aware of the invisible foe that has been making you uncomfortable in your space.

Virtually all space needs TAJ ACOUSTICS treatments, including church auditoriums,venues (event centers), libraries, office space,conference rooms, class rooms, music studios,meditating rooms, living rooms, eateries and restaurants etc.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.


What to know about Acoustic treatment