Minimum Price Tag For Noise Treatment

To get your space acoustically treated with original materials that will give a long lasting sound protection and treatment of noise wave and noise absorption, you will need a minimum of one million naira. A professional job, which is free from any kind of pest invasion, fungi growth or expiring, Try your best to have an expert treat your space for you, click here to contact us.

TAJACOUSTICS 3D wall and ceiling Panels






Tajacoustics 3D panels can be used for decorative designs, which is known and very active for sound proofing and sound absorbing properties.
It is best known by building architects for the proven results of controlling sound waves in a hall, room, or any kind of space.
It’s beautify the environment with a good aesthetics, and there are various wide designs that can be chosen from to suit your space, and the colours can be determined by you based on the colour of your space,  home, church, event center, eateries, hospitals, lecture halls, conference rooms, offices, libraries etc. And can be used as a wall decorative and ceiling finishing to actively and greatly reduce unwanted noise in a space.


Do you have a space (church, event center, lecture hall, classrooms, library, room, living room, home studio, media room, or home theater built) that you want us to access for you?

Send your Name, Location, Your complaint and High Quality pictures of your space to:

we are always available to help out.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.




Your Food May Be Great   . . .  But How Does Your Restaurant SOUND?

*Acoustics Matter to Customers*

Although your customers may not use the term or be aware of the science behind the problem – A quick search for “Great Food, but just too loud” will return multiple pages of reviews of users. Unsurprisingly, even many of the top eatery customer rating sites and apps use “Noise Level” as a metric in a user overall starred rating. According to a 2014 Zagat survey of restaurant goers found: “…restaurant noise level to be the number-one irritant about dining out, more irksome than service and price, according to online survey results.”

“Over 70 percent of those surveyed avoid restaurants that are too loud”.

“…But I Want to Maintain a Lively Atmosphere!”  Sound Control ≠ Silence!

We hear arguments like this quite frequently. It is important to note that there is a world of difference between creating a pleasing environment where people can talk without shouting and an acoustically isolated vocal booth. Adding absorption to your ceiling and/or walls will NOT only silence your space. When acoustical panels are properly placed, and evenly spread out the space will gain a more controlled, natural sound and add to the beauty of your space with a good design structure.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.



Acoustic treatment for your home recording studio is extremely overlooked by most music artists and Music producers.

The focus is usually on buying the best microphone for recording vocals, the best microphone preamp, the best studio speakers, and whatever other accessories that help you to record higher quality music.

While there’s nothing wrong with focusing on purchasing the best quality equipment you can afford – you may still have a problem. A lot of artists and music producers will notice that after buying good equipment, their recordings still don’t too good.

Some common  problems include:

  • A “wet” reverb sound mixed in with the vocals
  • Vocal delays or echoes introduced in the recording
  • A mix that sounds good in your music studio but doesn’t sound as good in other locations like your car or headphones
  • If you’re experiencing any of those issues that I listed above, you’re probably suffering from an acoustic problem in your room.

What Is Acoustics?

Acoustics are basically the physics of sound, which is both confusing and not at all essential to fully comprehend.

Great room acoustics are generally low-priority tasks when building a home, so most rooms don’t have a layout that is great for both listening to and recording music. In a room where the energy is not absorbed (like most of the rooms in a house), it bounces around until it eventually dies out.

So basically, the sound and music that comes out of your speakers will bounce around in your room until they die out – which can clash and cause problems with recording music (and mixing it – if you’re going to be the engineer as well). That’s where acoustic treatment comes in – it helps you create a controlled acoustic environment where you are absorbing a lot of frequencies to prevent them from bouncing around, thus making the music sound more accurate.

What Is Acoustic Treatment?

Acoustic treatment is the combination of the right materials and the right placement or layout to control frequencies and create the best sounding environment for recording and listening.

How Does Acoustic Treatment Work?

Acoustic treatment works by absorbing frequencies and making sure they don’t bounce around your studio to make sure that you’re hearing the music in its most accurate form.

What To Look For In Acoustic Treatment?

Acoustic treatment is based on the type of room you have. You may already be aware of the acoustics just from speaking or clapping your hands and noticing a sharp, ringing sound.

If you’re just trying to record vocals (and not make beats or mix your own songs in studio monitors) – cheap foam can get rid of bare walls and the absorb some of the high frequencies that may be causing a “damp” or ringing sound. It will not absorb low frequencies – which won’t be that much of a problem if you’re recording vocals close to the microphone.

However, if you’re looking to make beats or mix your own songs with studio monitors – you’re going to need something that’s more efficient for absorbing both high and low(er) frequencies. In this situation – you would look to add “broadband absorbers” panels and “bass traps”.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.



“Students in today’s classrooms are unable to understand 25 to 30 percent of what their teacher said because of excessive noise and reverberation.these includes classroom,lecture halls, libraries,laboratories Etc.

The Institute for Advanced Classroom Hearing

No matter the age of the student or the subject of the lesson, the first crucial element to learning anything is being able to hear it. If a classroom wasn’t built with acoustics in mind, it could be hard to understand the message. When people can’t hear, they lose focus and their attentions start to wane.

Classrooms, like many modern spaces, are often designed only with a certain “look” in mind or perhaps worse still, with only a slim budget goal to meet. With these restrictions in place, usually the acoustics of a space are not considered until after the space is complete. In smaller spaces where speech and/or music are the main focus, the most important thing to tackle is to control reverberation. Reverb is often confused with echo; the difference being that an echo is when you hear only one direct reflection from a single wall or other object – while reverberation is hearing potentially infinite reflections off any/all surfaces in a given space. To think of it another way, you hear an echo when you yell across a canyon, you hear reverberation in a tiled bathroom.

How Do You “Fix” the Classroom’s Acoustics?

Let’s say for instance you have a classroom made entirely of hard, reflective construction materials like drywall, concrete, drop-tile ceiling, etc. and it’s also filled with fiberboard desks, chairs, and a large dry erase board or screen. This is probably one of the worst scenarios you can have in a average-sized room – luckily, no matter the severity, the solution is the same – Absorption. By placing acoustically-minded absorption materials in a space the area of reflective material is reduced and sound waves are able to be absorbed or redirected more evenly. This results in the space sounding more natural, being more comfortable for occupants, and greatly improves speech and music intelligibility.

What About Auditoriums, Gymnasiums, library and Larger Classrooms?

In larger room multi-purpose rooms, particularly spaces like gymnasiums or auditoriums the most important aspect to address for speech intelligibility is reverberation time, commonly referred to as “RT” or “RT60”. This is the amount of time it takes an original sound signal to drop 60 decibels. For reference, this is the difference between a normal conversation tone at 3-5 feet and basically silence. The larger the space the more time it takes the original signal to move around and return a reflection – this means a higher RT, which means speech, and especially music, are more difficult to distinguish and hear clearly. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: “Classrooms should have RTs in the range of 0.4-0.6 seconds, but many existing classrooms have RTs of one second or more.” Although ~0.4-0.6 seconds is an ideal RT for smaller, easier to control spaces –  many larger spaces an original RT typically reach the range of ~3-3.5 seconds; getting the finished RT down to ~1.3 seconds is an acceptable goal and will definitely make a noticeable difference.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff is available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.



Live Venue Acoustics

Your venue space may look great… But how does it SOUND? Have you stopped to consider how customers and musicians think of the sound quality of your facility? Poor acoustical conditions can be more harmful than simply sounding “bad” – if the musicians aren’t happy with the venue’s sound perhaps they won’t return, they might even advise other bands that your space is less than favorable and they should look elsewhere to book a show.  The same could be said for an audience member who wasn’t impressed with the facility’s sound – they might not come back, maybe they tell their friends how bad a certain band sounds in your space?

“No matter how great the performance is, it’s going to be a bad experience for the audience that can’t understand it.“

The average sound level bartenders and staff are exposed to is 89-99 dB, and after adding live venue sound to the mix it could reach well beyond 100-120 dB where the threshold of pain begins and permanent damage starts to occur. While this level of sound may be expected and sometimes even desired for certain performers, without proper treatment it could wreak havoc in your space.

So what’s the key to dialing in your venue’s sound for a wide variety of bands? Maybe you need assistance improving speech intelligibility so bartenders and customers can hear each other? No matter what kind of space, size, and acoustical issue we have . TAJ ACOUSTICS can help!

TAJ ACOUSTICS was brought in to provide a solution for any capacity up-scale, design-minded live facility. Your space does not only need to sound good during the performance of a live band; but also for private functions when only speech, and no amplified sound, would be present.

What do you need? You need TAJ acoustic treatment for your venue,it helps promote your venue business,and improves its design.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.




“How Can The Congregation Heed the Word, If They Can’t Hear It?” What do you need, you need TAJ acoustic to solve your noise issues.

How important are the acoustics of your worship facility?

Studies have shown that acoustics and sound have a direct impact on learning and understanding. In other words, if the congregation has trouble hearing clearly – worshipers feel less engaged and as a direct result of this participation and eventually, attendance may suffer.

When there is an issue with sound and/or clarity of speech and music in a worship facility the tendency is to think the equipment is the problem. Before you rush out to purchase a new sound system, consider this: The Room! TAJ acoustics itself has been preaching for many years that in all spaces, the room creates acoustical problems.

What Makes house of Worship Acoustics Different?

Small rooms’ acoustics are more governed by room geometry — and the resulting room modes and nodes, which are peaks and dips in a room’s frequency response and time-domain signature — than are large rooms. In small rooms, the tonal character of the room can change dramatically if one moves six inches, but it is quite different  in larger spaces. Yes, there can be tonal differences in large rooms, but they tend to occur over broader areas.

Due to their modal activity, small rooms suffer from bass buildup in their corners, which is why we tend to implement bass “traps” — often a misnomer, as we’re more diminishing in strength than we are truly “trapping” the waves — in small rooms’ corners. Small rooms also suffer from prominent axial mode interference (axial modes form when waves bounce between two parallel surfaces), which is why we often will also “trap” the front and rear walls, as well as certain parts of the ceiling, in sound-critical smaller spaces. These types of treatments are inappropriate, though, for larger spaces like houses of worship, which suffer from different modal activity and thus require a different plan of acoustical attack.

In larger spaces, low-frequency waves don’t fold back onto themselves like they do in smaller spaces; they tend to propagate farther and grow in intensity…then come back for a second pass throughout the space. This behavior dictates that instead of putting bass traps into corners, we spread the low frequency absorption throughout the room. Whereas this plan of attack would do little to alleviate low-frequency anomalies in a small room, it tames low-frequency issues quite nicely in a larger space, but only as long as the appropriate products are chosen and they’re properly implemented.

“How Can The Congregation Heed the Word, If They Can’t Hear It?” What do you need, you need TAJ acoustic to solve your noise issues.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.





What Do I Need

This process explains how acoustic panels absorbs excess sound (noise) in a space.

Acoustic absorption refers to the process by which a material, structure, or object takes in sound energy when sound waves are encountered, as opposed to reflecting the energy. Part of the absorbed energy is transformed into heat and part is transmitted through the absorbing body.

The two most commonly-used sound absorption materials are high-quality acoustic foam and specialized acoustic fiberglass (no, not the stuff you buy at the hardware store). For brevity, at times we’ll generically call acoustic foam just plain “foam,” although there are very dramatic differences in cell structure and density between acoustic foam and the thousands of other types we could manufacture. (This is why you can’t just run down to the local SuperMart and buy mattress pads with which to acoustically treat your studio.)

While Absorption is an important piece of acoustical treatment, make sure to complete your room plan by also including our Bass Trapping, Diffusion, and ISO-Series products in order to maximize the effectiveness of your total treatment system. Additionally, our Construction/Isolation products can be used for sound isolation of a space.The energy transformed into heat is said to have been ‘lost’.

When sound from a loudspeaker collides with the walls of a room part of the sound’s energy is reflected, part is transmitted, and part is absorbed into the walls. Just as the acoustic energy was transmitted through the air as pressure differentials (or deformations), the acoustic energy travels through the material which makes up the wall in the same manner. Deformation causes mechanical losses via conversion of part of the sound energy into heat, resulting in acoustic attenuation, mostly due to the wall’s viscosity. Similar attenuation mechanisms apply for the air and any other medium through which sound travels.


The fraction of sound absorbed is governed by the acoustic impedance of both media and is a function of frequency and the incident angle.Size and shape can influence the sound wave’s behavior if they interact with its wavelength, giving rise to wave phenomena such as standing waves and diffraction.

Acoustic absorption is of particular interest in soundproofing. Soundproofing aims to absorb as much sound energy (often in particular frequencies) as possible converting it into heat or transmitting it away from a certain location.

In general, soft, pliable, or porous materials (like treated acoustic panels) serve as good acoustic insulators – absorbing most sound.

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.


Disadvantages Of Not Treating Your Space With TAJ Acoustics


Different space and shapes go along with different acoustic treatment depending on how the sound wave movement occurs in the space. So therefore each space requires a certified sound personnel to observe how sound travels in the space with the sound meter and noise dosimeter, and not to be done in an unprofessional way so as to achieve the desired result as some people just believe placing acoustic panels on walls will give the desired results. And apart from the fact that there are agencies by the government (LASEPA for example,which is the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency) that has been put in place to close down any center that is noise level is not conducive for listeners,here are some personal health hazards and disadvantages of not acoustically treating your space with TAJ acoustics.

  1. If a space is not acoustically treated the general noise in the space resulting from colliding sound waves and the ones hitting the ear drum constantly can lead to headaches, and if not careful also lead to severe migraines.
  2. if the sound in a space is not well delivered with a poor space treatment, it can lead to ear fatigue (tiredness,weakness) of the listeners. have you ever wondered why you feel unnecessarily tired after a party or a churches service in a space not acoustically treated,like a banging humming observed in the ears resulting from sound speakers systems, that you need to rest when you get home from the resulting headaches that as been caused by the noisy environment, then it  means your sound space needs TAJ acoustic panels Treatment.
  3. Studies have shown that acoustics and sound have a direct impact on learning and understanding. In other words, if the congregation has trouble hearing clearly – worshipers feel less engaged and as a direct result of this participation and eventually, attendance may suffer.“How Can The Congregation Heed the Word, If They Can’t Hear It?”
  4. Students in today’s classrooms are unable to understand 25 to 30 percent of what their teacher said because of excessive noise and reverberation. (poor classroom treatment)
  5. communication problems.
  6. Meditation problems.
  7. Disturbing to the neighborhood.
  8. Your Food May Be Great   . . .  But How Does Your Restaurant SOUND? Although your customers may not use the term or be aware of the science behind the problem – A quick search for “Great Food, but just too loud” will return multiple pages of reviews of users. Unsurprisingly, even many of the top eatery customer rating sites and apps use “Noise Level” as a metric in a user overall starred rating. According to a 2014 Zagat survey of Boston restaurant goers found: “…restaurant noise level to be the number-one irritant about dining out, more irksome than service and price, according to online survey results.”
  9. Reverberation constantly experienced in large halls, which causes the sound to be noisy and communication very poor.
  10. Ear Damage. not acoustically treating your room causes hear damage after a repeated exposure to it. Taking a survey of Ear clinics, more than 90% of ear problems results from noise that has been too much to the ear drums.

To efficiently treat your space and avoid all this issues, caused from not acosutically treating your space, kindly contact us by clicking here

Ready For More Information? We Can Help!

Want to know more about your options? TAJ ACOUSTICS  is the industry-leading Acoustics company and it is  respected in acoustic treatment. We have helped people with their unique acoustic needs in all kinds of facilities from church auditoriums, Event centers, classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, Restaurants, Meditating rooms, living rooms to bedroom studios. Our highly trained staff are available for phone support to answer questions. If you have some basic measurements and information about your space and you are ready to receive an estimate we even offer Noise space Analysis for any space! Just with a call you can solve your noise issues.

Contact us by clicking here.